IBED Enrollment Procedure

Step-by-Step Procedure (Old IBED students Online Enrolment)

  1. Go to the College website at www.laconcordia.edu.ph

  1. At  the Online Services tab click E-Service Portal then click log-in button .
  2. Log-in using your student number and password.

  1. Click Enrollment button.

  1. Fill out the  required information:
    1.  Select Grade / Course
    2.  Contact Number
    3.  Present Address
    4.  Birth Date
    5.  Click Submit Button.

  6.  Pay your down payment. Concordia College Bank Accounts   
  • BPI Account#: 3223-3882-98 
  • Metrobank Account#: 231-323150463-0
7. Upload proof of payment of your down payment.

Please note:

*You may receive text messages confirming your enrolment submission and proof of payment uploading .

Click Here for IBED Admission Requirements

*Accounting Office will verify your proof of payment and will notify you.
Accounting Email: accounting@laconcordia.edu.ph
Registrar Email: registrar@laconcordia.edu.ph
ICET Email: icet@laconcordia.edu.ph